
Aug 8, 2012

Backlight In Black & White

Backlight in black & white by DrewsView
Backlight in black & white, a photo by DrewsView on Flickr.
Yes, I'm a big fan of black & white photography. In most cases when you remove the color from a photograph, you're left with just the structure of the composition to hang your hat on. There's something appealing about that for me. In this particular shot I like how the backlighting and the lack of color turns the crowd at the beach bar from a bunch of individuals into an almost monolithic structural element.

Being almost monolithic is a good thing in this case. Being able to make out some individual features in the shadows adds interest. Without the canopy over the bar, the shot doesn't work at all. I just happened to be sitting in the right place at the right time with enough technology in my pocket (iPhone with the Camera+ app) to capture the scene.


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Jan 31, 2012

Winter Woods

North FaceInto The Woods

Winter Woods, a set on Flickr.

Just a few shots from the Quogue Wildlife Refuge - January 2012. If you're on Long Island and looking for a nice place to take a walk in the woods, check it out.

The shot of the stand of pine trees is my favorite for whatever reason. I like the spooky/desolate feeling, which was really the result of boosting contrast and saturation in iPhoto.