Local Dinosaurs, a set on Flickr.
I can't be certain, but I think any velociraptor would be pleased that the red-tailed hawk is still bringin' it, dinosaur style.
If you're on Long Island, its worth spending a few hours one weekend checking out what the Audubon Society is doing out here. These are from the sanctuary in East Moriches, where they do a great job educating the public about these really awesome flying machines.
Canon 600D (EOS Rebel T3i)
Stock 18-155mm EF-S kit lens
My old MacBook and iPhoto
A technie note: This is the first photo set I imported and edited with my iPhone library mounted on a network drive. Prepping for life with a MacBook Air. Performance was quite acceptable across the network, even using a 5400 RPM laptop drive, especially when hard wired to a 100 Mbps link. It works over WiFi, but things get pretty slow that way.